Jesse's Girl Page 2
“Something wrong?”
She shook her head. “Nope. Just hot.” Aleah tugged up the hem of her T-shirt to just below her breasts. A quick knot kept the bunched material from sliding down while displaying what she hoped was a tempting amount of her midriff.
His jaw looked tight, like he was gritting his teeth, as he walked on past her. She allowed a tiny smile as she shouldered her backpack and resumed hiking.
The next opportunity to tease him came when they stopped for lunch. Aleah was a good girl as she fixed them dried meat and fruit. After they had finished eating, still in silence with Jesse barely looking at her, she went to the edge of the water to dip her hands in for a wash. Aleah ensured her bottom was angled enticingly high as she stretched forward. The gratifying sound of a low groan behind her was music to her ears.
They continued hiking, Jesse clearly growing more annoyed with her as the afternoon progressed. Seeing the hint of anger in his eyes was making her start to rethink her strategy. She hadn’t changed her mind about wanting him or trying to seduce him, but she also didn’t want to have him end up hating her. If he banished her from his ranch at the end of their trip, she’d never see him again, and that thought sent a pang through her chest.
Deciding to tone it down for the moment, she was too busy with her thoughts to pay proper attention to the trail in front of her. Aleah tripped over a small branch and started to tip forward. Waving her arms, she overcompensated and flew backward instead, fully expecting to land hard against the ground.
Instead, she crashed against the hard chest of the man she had spent all morning teasing. Angled sideways, she looked turned her head to look up at him. “Thanks.”
“Dammit, Aleah, you just couldn’t stop and couldn’t leave well enough alone.” His hands clamped on her arms, turning her to face him in a strong hold she couldn’t break away from if she had wanted to do so.
“I…” She trailed off, licking her lips with a spark of fear at the unbridled lust in his expression and the hard length of his arousal pressing against her stomach. Nerves fluttered in her stomach like butterflies, and she briefly wondered if she had pushed him too far. Was this a case of being careful what you wished for?
Jesse grabbed a handful of her hair, forcing her head back as his mouth crashed over hers. Despite the clear anger emanating from him, the kiss was still more gentle than rough. His lips stroked hers before his tongue surged into her mouth. She moaned and pressed her body closer to his. Her body hummed with electricity and the thrill of physical desire.
Aleah curled her arms around his neck, straining to get closer to his solid frame. She whimpered when he nipped her tongue, and it turned to a sigh as his hands slid down her body to cup her hips. She gasped as he lifted her to bring their pelvises firmly together. Only their clothes separated them.
He broke the kiss, though he didn’t move too far away. “Are you sure about this, Aleah? If we start, I don’t think I can stop.”
She brushed her lips against his cheek. “I think we’ve already started, Jesse.”
With a sound that could have been a groan or a curse, he took her mouth again. This time, the kiss was hard and demanding, accepting nothing less than her total surrender. She gave it without hesitation, yielding to the press of his tongue between her lips as his erection probed the apex of her thighs.
When he broke the kiss, they both panted for a second. “You’ve been a terrible tease, Aleah.”
She gave him a small smile. “Yes, I have. I just want you so badly, Jesse.” Twining a strand of his hair around her finger, she licked her lips. “I need you.”
“You’re going to get me, though I shouldn’t.” He sighed, his hesitation clear. “If your dad knew about this, he’d shoot me.”
She shook her head. “I don’t think so. He loved us both, and he’d want us to be happy.”
“Still, it’s disrespectful.”
Sensing he was on the cusp of following his conscience instead of his desire, she made a split-second decision to offer him a detour. Aleah sank to her knees, ignoring the tiny darts of pain from the rocks pressing into her flesh. She looked up at him through her lashes, biting her lip in what she hoped was a sexy way as she reached for the waistband of his shorts.
He still seemed to be considering stopping her, though he hadn’t said not to continue. Jesse didn’t move at all as she unfastened the button and zipper before pushing the shorts down to his thighs. She locked eyes with him while stroking a finger down the rigid shaft pressing against his black briefs.
Aleah considered asking if he wanted her to taste him, but decided not to give him a chance to say no. Unless he physically pushed her away, she was taking his cock into her mouth the way she yearned to have him inside her pussy.
Resolved, she peeled down his briefs to join the shorts, gasping slightly when his full erection sprang free. The large shaft jutted forward, angling slightly to the right as though homing in on her waiting lips.
Feeling clumsy, she leaned forward, still looking up at him as she wrapped her lips around his cockhead. Jesse’s soft groan as her mouth slid down his length was a small reward and encouraged her to take in as much as she could. There was something highly erotic about sucking him while looking into his gaze as he stared down at her.
Jesse finally moved, his body loosening slightly as though he had decided to stop fighting and start enjoying. He grasped her hair in one hand to guide her gently backward before bringing her forward again. “Suck me while moving your head.” He tightened his jaw visibly as she obeyed. “Now lick the head, especially right there.” Another groan escaped his lips.
Aleah focused on the V on the underside of his shaft, licking and applying pressure until pre-cum dripped onto her tongue. She rubbed her tongue across his tip to savor the salty flavor before bobbing up and down him again. At first, it was difficult to remember how to coordinate everything, but when she stopped thinking about it, her body guided her instinctively.
Her folds were drenched with arousal from pleasuring her dad’s best friend. As she sucked him, she slipped a hand into her shorts to stroke her clitoris. Pleasure shot through her, and she sucked harder as her sheath spasmed, aching with emptiness.
Jesse suddenly jerked her back, the sharp tug on her hair making her eyes water a bit. He immediately softened his hold, rubbing the spot. “Sorry. I’m just so close that you had to stop.”
She dropped her gaze, feeling shy. “I don’t mind if you come in my mouth.”
His hand on her chin tipped her head back up so their gazes met. “I want to be inside your pussy.”
She shivered at the word. Of course she’d heard it, thought it, and occasionally even said it. Yet hearing the older man she wanted so badly use it nearly drove her mad with desire. “Please, Jesse, I want you inside me.”
There wasn’t a hint of hesitation this time when he helped her to her feet and pushed her gently toward a solid tree. “Take off your clothes, honey.”
Her back against the large trunk, she unknotted her T-shirt. “Do you want me to go slowly?”
“Fuck no. I had enough of that torture this morning.” He cupped his cock, stroking gently. “Did you know I jerked off watching you, Aleah?”
“That’s so dirty.” She grinned to indicate how much the idea pleased her. “You wanted me pretty badly, huh?”
“Still do.” He stroked his length again. “Walking behind that luscious ass all day has made hiking difficult. You don’t know how hard it was not to reach out and grab your hips so I could slide my dick into you.”
She moaned softly, hands shaking as she stripped off her clothes. The shorts and panties went in one smooth motion, followed by the shirt. In her haste, she couldn’t get the clasp on her bra and turned her back to him. “Can you unfasten me?”
“Gladly.” His motions were rough when he tugged the bra apart, casting doubt on the bra’s survival.
She didn’t care, hoping to spend the next few hours without any clothes, not just h
er bra. A small sigh escaped her when he cupped her breasts, his thumbs flicking the beaded tips. Aleah leaned her head back to rest against his shoulder as he squeezed her breasts. “That feels good, Jesse.”
“Yes, it does. You have beautiful breasts, Aleah. I’ve been thinking about them all day.” His hands slid down her waist to grasp her hips. “Not as much as this sweet butt though.” Drawing her back against him, his cock pressed against her crevice.
She bit her lip. “Do you want me there, Jesse?” Apprehension bled through her tone.
“I want you every-fucking-where and in every position.” He rubbed his cockhead between her cheeks, heading south. “But right now, I want this sweet little spot right here.” Jesse nudged her pussy entrance, his cock poised to slip inside.
“Please, Jesse.”
He hesitated. “Has anyone been there before me, baby?”
She shook her head, praying her virginity wouldn’t frighten him away.
“It’s totally caveman of me, but that is hot.” Slowly, he eased inside her. “Let me know if it hurts.”
She bit her lip, grimacing a bit when he stretched her as he moved deeper inside her. Aleah didn’t mind showing her discomfort since he couldn’t see her face. Her teeth gripped her lip more tightly as he hit a spot of resistance. She pressed her palms to the rough bark of the tree, digging her nails into the wood.
“You’re so tight.” He withdrew a bit before rocking back into her.
She whimpered when he pushed through the tightness of her untried passage. The pain was brief and gone before she could even mention it. The sensation of his cock seated fully in her overwhelmed her senses and stole awareness of any discomfort. “That’s amazing.”
“It sure is.” His cock slipped almost free of her before sliding back in again, this time without protest from her body. He seemed to be moving with deliberate care as he went slowly, thrusting in and out of her.
It was arousing, yet maddening, and she knew she wouldn’t get off at that pace. “More, Jesse.”
“More what?” he whispered against her ear, before sucking her neck. “More cock?”
She shook her head, unsure she could have taken him at all if he’d been any larger. “No, there’s plenty of that. But faster, harder…deeper.”
He surged inside her. “Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I need it.” She thrust back against him, squeezing her sheath around him.
“Feels good,” he said with a bit of a growl. Jesse started thrusting faster, pushing her against the tree with each movement forward. The bark provided delicious friction for her nipples, and she moaned with each deep thrust. When he increased his rhythm, she let him take her along for the ride as he pounded into her.
Aleah slipped her hand downward to stroke her clit again, providing the missing bit of stimulation she needed to feel an orgasm approaching. He changed his angle slightly, hitting against a particularly sensitive spot deep inside her. Her g-spot, maybe? She didn’t know the technical term and didn’t care as he moved his hips rapidly, almost slamming her against the tree in their mutual passion.
Suddenly, Jesse froze. “Dammit.”
“What?” She hoped the word was more coherent than she felt.
“Are you on birth control?”
She shook her head.
“I don’t have condoms. I didn’t plan to seduce my friend’s little girl on this trip.” The words held a hint of self-recrimination, but a darker note of lust that indicated he was dealing with his guilt already and perhaps even embracing the taboo nature of their union.
“I seduced you, Jesse.”
Slowly, he started moving again. “I’ll just pull out.”
Impulsively, she contracted her sheath around him, stroking her clit faster to bring her to climax quickly. “No, I want you to come inside me.”
“That’s a bad idea.” Still, he started thrusting faster again, bringing her closer to release. “You could get pregnant.”
“I could.” The idea delighted her, though she couldn’t exactly explain why. Perhaps because it would bind them together, or because there was something so deliciously naughty about her dad’s friend knocking her up during a wild wilderness fuck. “Fill me up, Jesse.”
“Fuck.” He grunted as he surged deeply inside her, his cock spasming.
She hit the bundle of nerves with her thumb in a familiar way that sent her catapulting into orgasm as the first wave of warm cum filled her pussy. It felt like he splashed against her cervix, and the idea of all that semen flooding inside her increased the intensity of her orgasm. As she came around him, squeezing him with each involuntary contraction of her sheath to milk more of his precious cum, the mental picture of her tummy round and bulging with the fruit of his seed heightened her pleasure.
Jesse slumped against her after a long moment, pulling her back against his hard body without removing his cock from her. “My baby could be inside you.” He cupped her abdomen in a possessive way as his erection slipped from her insides.
“Um hmm.” The sound was a satisfied purr. “I hope so,” she whispered, partially from a hint of embarrassment, but mostly from being too drained from her amazing orgasm to speak louder.
“I’m not letting you go, Aleah.” His voice was thick with warning. “You’re my girl now.”
“Jesse’s girl.” Grinning, she turned in his arms, collapsing against his chest. “How will you keep me?”
“In my bed, filled with my babies. I warned you to stop before it was too late.” He tightened his embrace. “I don’t think I could let go now.”
She let her earnestness show as she cupped his face in her hands. “I don’t want you to let me go, Jesse. I belong to you, and you belong to me. I’m not second-guessing my actions, and I’ll have no regrets if I’m pregnant. If I’m not…” Trailing off, she moved a hand lower to cup his cock, coaxing it to stiffen again. “We’ll just have to keep trying.”
A slow smile lifted his lips upward. “I can do that.”
Aleah leaned against the porch rail of the ranch house to ease the ache in her back. She grinned as her younger son stole the ball his brother had been trying to catch and ran off. Jesse laughed and ran after Gabe with Tyrone in hot pursuit. Normally, she would join in their roughhousing, but at eight months along with a much-wanted little girl, she didn’t have the energy at the moment.
Watching her family play as her daughter kicked her, she remembered the afternoon six years ago when everything had changed between them. No, she supposed it had been the night before when things had really changed, when they had both realized they wanted each other. Thank goodness Jesse hadn’t talked himself out of taking her.
Aleah smiled to herself as she planned to show her gratitude to her husband again later than night. After the boys were in bed, she would get on all fours and present her curvy backside to him so he could take her from behind. It was the most comfortable position in her advanced state of pregnancy, but it also remained his favorite.
She’d take Jesse any way he wanted and did as often as possible, but having him mount her like the stud he was remained her favorite position too. Liquid heat moistened her panties as she watched her husband and imagined the way he would take her that night. The only thing better than being Jesse’s girl was being his wife and the mother of his children.
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